You may have heard that the public toilets at School Common are to close...
Here are the facts:
TDC operates Public Conveniences at 12 locations
• Public Conveniences are a “non-statutory” service and need not be supported.
• TDC is reviewing all expenditure to make savings.
• Maintenance costs are very high as much of the existing equipment is out of date and no longer supported by the manufacturers.
• 2 locations are on SCC land (A22 & A25); discussions to take place about their future with SCC
• Review & survey to be undertaken for all locations.
• £450k capital programme from 2022-2025 to refurbish the public conveniences
• £90k in revenue budget for ongoing service and maintenance costs
• Post Refurbishment proposals to consider new/better funding arrangements.
In short there has never been any suggestion that Warlingham would lose this vital and essential service provision, either now or in the future.
Your local Conservative Councillors are fully supportive of the arrangements currently in place and will not countenance the closure at any time of this facility.